Jarrod Hunt
What year did you start CrossFit?
CrossFit certifications
Certified CrossFit Trainer / CrossFit Level 3
CrossFit Gymnastics
CrossFit Weightlifting
CrossFit Scaling
CrossFit Judge
CrossFit Lesson Planning
CrossFit Spot the Flaw
CrossFit Nutrition
CrossFit Masters Trainer
Athlete Centered Mental Health
CrossFit Anatomy
CrossFit Coaching Fundamentals
CrossFit Programming
CrossFit Educators Course
USA Weightlifting certification
Level 1 Weightlifting Coach
SafeSport Training
Why did you join CrossFit?
I have always struggled to find a sport that kept my interest long-term but started CrossFit for rehab from a previous injury. CrossFit has kept my interest, gotten me back to normal, and made me more fit than I have ever been!
Why do you want me to join CrossFit?
CrossFit has made a huge impact on my life as well as the lives of so many of our members. I want to continue to introduce this sport to new people so we can impact them physically, emotionally, and spiritually just like it has for so many others.
Where do you work?
Wynn-Reeth, Inc.
Business administration
Law enforcement
Spending time with family and fitness