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Eric Robinson​
What year did you start CrossFit?
CrossFit certifications
CrossFit Level 2
CrossFit Judge
CrossFit Nutrition
Athlete Centered Mental Health
CrossFit Spot the Flaw
Why did you join CrossFit?
I used to body build and circuit train. While I enjoyed doing both, I heard of this thing called CrossFit and what some people in the Globo gym would say about it. So I decided to check it out for myself and watched the Crossfit Games on ESPN. I thought to myself this is nuts, and I immediately wanted to try it for myself!! I joined Crossfit 1926 when they opened in 2018, had my first workout, and was hooked! It not only feeds my enjoyment of working out but my competitive side as well. What I didn't expect was the increase in range of motion, back issues are gone and my overall joint health has improved! The sense of community no matter where you go is like none other!
Why do you want me to join CrossFit?
Crossfit is for everybody!! Whether your goals are to get stronger, lose weight, increase endurance, become more flexible, or help with day-to-day functional movements CrossFit is for you!! Every workout is scalable to fit your needs! Our team of coaches is here to help you reach your goals!!
Where do you work?
RSS Investigation & Security
The Batcave - Masters in Detective & Crime Fighting
Family, Sports, Working out, Trying out new baking recipes, and coaching football
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